Box spider (Crossopriza lyoni): Scientific Classification, Habit and Habitat, Food Habit, Identifying Characters

Box spider (Crossopriza lyoni): Scientific Classification, Habit and Habitat, Food Habit, Identifying Characters

Box spider (Crossopriza lyoni)

Scientific Classification
Kingdom:       Animalia
Phylum:          Arthropoda
Subphylum:   Chelicerata
Class:             Arachnida
Order:             Araneae
Family:           Pholcidae
Genus:           Crossopriza
Species:         lyoni

Habit and Habitat:
  • Found in human habitations. Commonly known as cellar spider.
  • They build irregular webs and commonly seen in corners of ceiling.
  • On disturbance the spider vibrates its web rapidly.
Food Habit: Prey of Crossopriza lyoni chiefly insects both in flying and jumping habits (Planthoppers, Mosquito, Flies, Beetles, etc). Crossopriza web is a natural insect trap which catches much more prey than a spider can eat.  Sometimes it is also observed that Crossopriza lyoni was feeding on other spider species(House spider, Wolf spiders, Jumping spiders, etc).

Identifying Characters:
  1. Size: Female 5-7 mm, Male 3-5 mm.
  2. Greyish white cephalothorax with a mid-longitudinal dark band.
  3. Dorsal surface of the cephalothorax has a deep excavation.
  4. Eyes six in number, present at the tipoff cephalothorax.
  5. Abdomen greyish in colour with white patches.
  6. Upper posterior end of abdomen has a conical projection.
  7. Legs very long, covered with black spots and small hairs and with black coloured joints.
