White Lynx Spider (Oxyopes shweta): Scientific Classification, Habit and Habitat, Food Habit, Identifying Characters

White Lynx Spider (Oxyopes shweta): Scientific Classification, Habit and Habitat, Food Habit, Identifying Characters

White Lynx Spider (Oxyopes shweta)

Scientific Classification
Kingdom:       Animalia
Phylum:          Arthropoda
Subphylum:   Chelicerata
Class:             Arachnida
Order:             Araneae
Family:           Oxyopidae
Genus:           Oxyopes
Species:         shweta

Habit and Habitat:
  • Commonly seen in grasses and shrubby vegetation during daytime.
  • At night they rest underneath the leaves.
  • Females tend to protect their egg sac by covering them.
  • They are solitary active hunters and do not build web.

Food Habit: Their food consists of Insects (Prefers small to large sized arthropods) and spiders.  They hunt mostly during daylight hours.

Identifying Characters:
  1. Size: Female 7-9mm, Male 5-7 mm
  2. Cephalothorax covered with white pubescence.
  3. Two distinct black longitudinal lines present, starting from below of anterior median eye up to above of chelicerae.
  4. Ocular region whitish in colour.
  5. A narrow black line is present on either side of cephalic portion of cephalothorax.
  6. Abdomen elongated and tapered posteriorly.
  7. A white band extends longitudinally on the abdomen middorsally.
  8. Legs are long, spiny and greenish–brown in colour.
